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Nature-based retreats for leaders on a mission


Empowering leaders to lead with a profound sense of purpose, and teams to collaborate as a harmonious force. We leverage the transformative power of the natural world, teach conscious communication skills and provide a safe space for executive leadership development, unparalleled team building, and self-care.


Casa Alternavida is a boutique wellness retreat center located in Puerto Rico offering high-touchpoint, guided retreat experiences for curious, growth-minded executives, leaders and groups.



Our approach is to get people out of their heads and into their body, a vast and commonly untapped intelligence that can bring deep insight and guidance. We teach optimal wellbeing and conscious communication techniques while leveraging nature as a metaphor for sustainable business concepts. This supports mindset shifts that give leaders an opportunity to reconnect to their essential self and lead authentically with less stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

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Discover the Transformative Power of Nature:

Advance your leadership and team dynamics with a retreat that goes beyond the ordinary. Immerse in nature to unlock trust through profound communication and connection exercises. Gain the tools of emotional intelligence and conscious communication to lead effortlessly. Book your transformative leadership retreat today.



Elevate Your Leadership Journey:

Experience a solo retreat designed exclusively for you as an executive or leader seeking personalized conscious leadership coaching and development out in nature. Learn tools to reduce stress, overwhelm and burn-out. This retreat will challenge you to learn and grow in ways that result in enhanced agility, resilience, and alignment with your life-purpose. Book your personalized leadership retreat today.

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Yancy Wright

Yancy Wright


My inspiration in designing and building Casa Alternavida was to create a safe space for leaders to get away, regroup, and explore life challenges with the support of high quality practitioners and amazing food. After a career burnout resulting in a near death experience in 2012, I realized many people could use a solution like this.


After 10 years of facilitating retreats and renting other facilities on the island and around the world I learned a lot. Our guests consistently share how much they love our authentic, personalized approach and the high level of intention and care they experience from the space and all of our team members. We take pride in the magical moments that happen. Our team of passionate Boricua’s (locals) will likely warm your heart as they have mine. Since this is also my home, they have become family to me. You will have the gift of getting to know this beautiful island through them and become part of our family. 


Our all-inclusive, customized wellness retreats help you strengthen your connection to yourself, your team and nature. We create the optimal environment for learning and growth.

Casa Alternavida

Move Daily

Our morning ritual is a rooftop, sunrise movement class while overlooking the national rainforest followed by a morning nature adventure and afternoon beach walk/swim.

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Sleep Soundly

The rooms are programmed energetically to support deep, quality sleep with the support of a nature inspired interior design theme, views to nature, and comfortable beds and pillows.

Casa Alternavida

Eat Cleanly

Our food is medicine for the soul. Our in-house chef puts a lot of love and attention into creating culturally rich recipes. 

Casa Alternavida

Hydrate Often

Our infused waters, local fruit juices, mocktails, teas, and filtered rainwater are of the highest quality to support optimal hydration during your stay.

Casa Alternavida

Breathe Deeply

We provide reminders to assist with deep, intentional belly breathing as a nervous system reset practice.


Have Fun

Our guests end up reconnecting to their younger self while here, re-learning how easy it is to laugh and have fun when being present in rich natural settings and being challenged in safe ways.

Additional services are available for guests who want to take their transformation to the next level. 






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